Charlevoix-Kamouraska Seismic Zone

This page contains most references on the Charlevoix Seismic Zone. It includes papers on the local seismological, geological, and geophysical characteristics. When available, abstracts of papers are included.

  • Adams, J., and P.W. Basham, 1989. The seismicity and seismotectonics of Canada East of the Cordillera, Geoscience Canada, 16, 3-16.

  • Adams, J., and Basham, P. W., 1991. The seismicity and seismotectonics of eastern Canada. in The geology of North America, Decade Map vol. 1, Neotectonics of North America, edited by B. Slemmons et al., pp. 261-275, Boulder, Colo.

  • Adams, J., Sharp, J. and M.C. Stagg. 1988. New focal mechanisms for southeastern Canadian earthquakes, Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report 1992, 109p.

  • Adams, J., Basham, P. W., and S. Halchuk. 1995. Northeastern North American earthquake potential - new challenges for seismic hazard mapping. Current Research 1995-D; Geological Survey of Canada, p. 91-99.

  • Adams, J., Vonk, A., Pittman, D., and H. Vatcher, 1989. New focal mechanisms for southeastern Canadian earthquakes - Volume II, Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report 1995, 97 p.

  • Anglin, F.M. 1984. Seismicity and faulting in the Charlevoix zone of the St. Lawrence valley, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 71, 1553-1560.

  • Anglin, F.M. and G.G.R. Buchbinder, 1981. Microseismicity in the mid-St. Lawrence Valley Charlevoix Zone, Québec, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am.., 71, 1553-1560.

  • Anglin, F.M., Wetmiller, R.J., Horner, R.B., Rogers, G.C., and J.A. Drysdale 1990. Seismicity map of Canada, Geological Survey of Canada. Canadian Geophysical Atlas, Map 15, scale 1:10 000 000.

  • Assameur, D.M and J.C. Mareschal, 1995. Stress induced by topography and crustal density heterogeneities: implication for the seismicity of southeastern Canada. Tectonophysics, 241, 179-192.

  • Atkinson-Gail-M; Beresnev-Igor-A, 1998. Compatible ground-motion time histories for new national seismic hazard. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 25; 2, Pages 305-318

  • Basham, P. W., Weichert, D.H., Anglin, F.M., and M.J. Berry, 1982. New probabilistic strong ground motion maps of Canada: a compilation of earthquake source zones, methods and results. Publications of the Earth Physics Branch, Open File 82-33, 202p. (Energy, Mines and Resources, Canada).

  • Bent, A.L. 1992. A re-examination of the 1925 Charlevoix, Québec, earthquake, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 82, 2097-2113.

  • Bent, A.L. 1993. Seismograms for historic Canadian earthquakes; the 1 March 1925 Charlevoix-Kamouraska, Quebec earthquake. Open-File Report - Geological Survey of Canada 1993.

  • Berry, M.J., and K. Fuchs, 1973. Crustal structure of the Superior and Grenville Provinces of the northeastern Canadian Shield, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 63, 1393-1432.

  • Bouchard, Mireille; Godard, Alain, 1984. Les alterites du Bouclier Canadien; premier bilan d'une campagne de reconnaissance (Translated Title: Saprolites on the Canadian Shield; first results from a field study. Géographie Physique et Quaternaire. 38; 2, Pages 149-163.

  • Bower, D.R., 1989. Tidal and coseismic well-level observations at the Charlevoix Geophysical Observatory, Quebec. In: Earthquake hazard assessment and prediction. Tectonophysics. 167; 2-4, Pages 349-361.

  • Bower, D.R., Labrecque, J.J., Lambert, A. and Mitchell, E.M. Charlevoix geodynamic observatory data inventory. Internal Report of the Geophysics Division No. 87-1.

  • Brassard, B. 1990. Rapport de fin de forage du puits GHK, Les Eboulements no. 1 (90FE011).* Travaux Statutaires GHK*, Ministère des Ressources Naturelles du Québec, 12p.

  • Brodeur, D. and Allard, M., 1983. Les plate-formes littorales de l'ile aux coudres, moyen estuaire du Saint-Laurent, Quebec. Geographie physique et quaternaire, 37: 179-195.

  • Buchbinder, G.G.R., 1981. Velocity changes in the Charlevoix region, Quebec. In: Earthquake prediction; an international review. Simpson-David-W (editor); Richards-Paul-G (editor) Maurice Ewing Series. 4, Pages 367-376. 1981.

  • Buchbinder, G.G.R., 1981. Precise P and S wave velocity variations, crack density, and saturation changes. JGR. Journal of Geophysical Research. B. 86; 2, Pages 1042-1046.

  • Buchbinder, G.G.R., 1984. Un seisme se prepare? (Translated Title: Is an earthquake coming?). Geos (Ottawa). 13; 1, Pages 6-9.

  • Buchbinder, G.G.R. 1985. Shear-wave splitting and anisotropy in the Charlevoix Seismic Zone, Quebec, Geophys. Res. Letters, 12, 425-428.

  • Buchbinder, G.G.R., 1989. Azimuthal variations in P-wave travel times and shear-wave splitting in the Charlevoix seismic zone. Tectonophysics. 165; 1-4, Pages 293-302.

  • Buchbinder, G.G.R., 1989. Shear-wave splitting and anisotropy in the Charlevoix seismic zone, Quebec, in 1985, Can J. of Earth Sci., 26, 2691-2696.

  • Buchbinder, G.G.R., Kurtz, R.D., and Lambert, A. A review of Time-Dependent Geophysical Parameters in the Charlevoix Region, Quebec. Earthquake Prediction Research, 2, pp. 149-166, 1983.

  • Buchbinder, G.G.R., Lambert, A., Kurtz, R.D., Bower, D.R., Anglin, F.M., and J. Peters. 1988. Twelve years of geophysical research in the Charlevoix seismic zone, Tectonophysics, 156, 193-224.

  • Bussières, Louise, 1978. La Serie flyschoide de l'Ordovicien moyen tardif du Comté de Charlevoix, Quebec (Translated Title: Late Middle Ordovician flysch, Charlevoix County, Quebec). Master's Universite Laval. Ste.-Foy, PQ, Canada.

  • Bussières, Bruno; Payette, Serge; Filion, Louise, 1996. Deboisement et entourbement des hauts sommets de Charlevoix a l'Holocene superieur; origine des etages alpin et subalpine (Translated Title: Late Holocene deforestation and peat formation in the Charlevoix highlands; onset of the subalpine and alpine belts). Géographie Physique et Quaternaire. 50; 3, Pages 257-269.

  • Carignan-J; Gariepy-C; Hillaire-Marcel-C, 1997. Hydrothermal fluids during Mesozoic reactivation of the St. Lawrence rift system, Canada; C, O, Sr and Pb isotopic characterization. Chemical Geology. 137; 1-2, Pages 1-21.

  • Cassidy, J.F. 1995. A comparison of the receiver structure beneath stations of the Canadian National Seismograph Network, *Can. J. Earth Sci., 32, * 938-951,

  • Chagnon, Jean-Y, 1969. Study of erosion phenomena and unconsolidated deposits in Baie-Saint-Paul; saint-Urbain area, Charlevoix County. Special Paper - Mines Branch. Quebec Department of Natural Resources. Pages: 29.

  • Chagnon, Jean-Y; Locat, Jacques, 1988. The effects of seismic activity on the soils of the Charlevoix area, Quebec, Canada. In: Natural and man-made hazards; proceedings of the international symposium. El-Sabh-Mohamed-I (editor); Murty-T-S (editor), Pages 125-136. 1988.

  • Chouteau, M., 1985. Magnetotelluric measurements in La Malbaie area (Quebec): the anomalous vertical magnetic field, Can. J. Earth Sci., 22, 1530-1536.

  • De Sève, D., Desjardins, R., and T. Toutin, 1994. Contribution des données Radar D'ERS-1 dans l'appréhension de l'organisation des linéaments: Le cas de l'astroblème de Charlevoix. Can. J. of Remote Sensing, 20, 233-244.

  • Desjardins, Robert, 1980. Tremblements de terre et glissements de terrain; correlation entre des datations au (super 14) C et des donnees historiques a Shawinigan, Quebec (Translated Title: Earthquakes and landslides; correlation of C-14 dates and historical data of the Shawinigan region, Quebec). Géographie Physique et Quaternaire. 34; 3, Pages 359-362.

  • Dionne, Jean-Claude; 1994. Les Erratiques lointains de l'embouchure du Saguenay, Quebec (Translated Title: Long-distance transported erratics at the Saguenay River mouth, Quebec. Géographie Physique et Quaternaire. 48; 2, Pages 179-194.

  • Dionne, Jean-Claude; 1996. Observations sur l'erosion de la basse terrasse a Petite-Riviere, Charlevoix, Quebec (Translated Title: Observations on erosion of the lower terrace at Petite-Riviere, Charlevoix, Quebec). Géographie Physique et Quaternaire. 50; 3, Pages 407-413. 1996.

  • Dionne, Jean-Claude; 1996. La Terrasse Mitis à la Pointe aux Alouettes, cote nord du moyen estuaire de Saint-Laurent, Quebec (Translated Title: The Mitis Terrace at Pointe aux Alouettes, northern shore of the middle Saint Lawrence Estuary, Quebec). Géographie Physique et Quaternaire. 50; 1, 57-72.

  • Dionne, Jean-Claude; 1996. La Basse terrasse à Petite-Riviere (Charlevoix, Quebec); un exemple d'activite neotectonique a l'Holocene (Translated Title: The lower terrace at Petite-Riviere, Charlevoix area; evidence for neotectonic activity during the Holocene). Géographie Physique et Quaternaire. 50; 3, Pages 311-330.

  • Dionne, Jean-Claude; 1997. Nouvelles donnees sur la transgression laurentienne, cote sud du moyen estuaire du Saint-Laurent, Quebec (Translated Title: New data on the Laurentian transgression, southern shore of the middle Saint Lawrence Estuary, Quebec. Géographie Physique et Quaternaire. 51; 2, 201-210.

  • Dionne, Jean-Claude; 1998. Sedimentary structures made by shore ice in muddy tidal-flat deposits, St. Lawrence Estuary, Quebec. Sedimentary Geology. 116; 3-4, 261-274.

  • Dionne, Jean-Claude; Poitras-Stephen, 1996. Observations geomorphologiques sur la batture a mega-blocs, a Petite-Riviere, Charlevoix, Quebec (Translated Title: Geomorphological observations on the boulder-strewn tidal flat, at Petite Riviere, Charlevoix, Quebec). Géographie Physique et Quaternaire. 50; 2, Pages 221-232.

  • Dionne, Jean-Claude; Occhietti, Serge, 1996. Apercu du Quaternaire a l'embouchure du Saguenay, Quebec (Translated Title: An outline on the Quaternary of the Saguenay mouth, Quebec. Géographie Physique et Quaternaire. 50; 1, Pages 5-34.

  • Doig, R. 1986. A method for determining the frequency of large-magnitude earthquakes using lake sediments, Can. Journ. Earth Sci, 23, 930-937.

  • Doig, R. 1991. Effects of strong seismic shaking in lake sediments, and earthquake recurrence interval, Temiscaming, Quebec. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 28; 9, Pages 1349-1352.

  • Doig, R. 1998. 3000-year paleoseismological record from the region of the 1988 Saguenay, Quebec, earthquake, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 88; 5, 1198-1203.

  • Doré, Guy, 1985. Microzonage seismique de la region de Quebec (Translated Title: Microseismic zoning in the region of Quebec). Master's, Université Laval. Ste.-Foy, PQ, Canada, 77 p.

  • Du Berger, R., D.W. Roy, M. Lamontagne, G. Woussen, R.G. North and R.J. Wetmiller. 1991. The Saguenay (Québec) earthquake of November 25, 1988: Seismological data and geological setting, Tectonophysics, 186, 59-74.

  • El-Sabh, Mohamed-I; Murty, T.S; Dumais, J-F, 1988. Tsunami hazards in the St. Lawrence Estuary, Canada. In: Natural and man-made hazards; proceedings of the international symposium. El-Sabh-Mohamed-I (editor); Murty-T-S (editor) Pages 201-213.

  • Eneva, M, 1994. Investigation of the space-time distribution of earthquakes in the Charlevoix seismic zone, Quebec. Open-File Report - Geological Survey of Canada 2983.

  • Filion, L., Quinty, F., and C. Bégin. 1991. A chronology of landslide activity in the valley of Rivière du Gouffre, Charlevoix, Québec, Can. J. Earth. Sci., 28, 250-256.

  • Frost, N.H., and Lilly, J.E., 1966. Crustal movements in the Lake St. John area, Quebec. Can. Surveyor, 20, 292-299.

  • GHK, 1988. Second year exploration summary, Charlevoix Impact structure, The Province of Quebec, Canada. Report on statutory work, Ministère des ressources naturelles du Québec, 3 p.

  • Goodacre, A.K., and H.S. Hasegawa, 1980. Gravitationally induced stresses at structural boundaries, Can. J. of Earth Sciences, 17, 1286-1291.

  • Govare, Etienne; Gangloff, Pierre, 1989. Paleoenvironnement d'une plage tardiglaciaire de 10 580 ans BP dans la region de Charlevoix, Quebec (Translated Title: Late glacial beach paleoenvironment dated 10,580 years BP in the Charlevoix region, Quebec.) Géographie Physique et Quaternaire. 43; 2, Pages 147-160.

  • Govare, Etienne; Gangloff, Pierre, 1991. Les Depots lacustres d'obturation de Saint-Placide, Charlevoix, Quebec (Translated Title: Ice-dammed lake deposits of Saint-Placide,Charlevoix, Quebec). Géographie Physique et Quaternaire. 45; 2, Pages 141-154.

  • Grieve, R.A.F., 1993. Impact craters: Lessons from and for the Earth. Vistas in Astronomy, 36, 203-230.

  • Guillou, L., Mareschal, J.-C., Jaupart, C., Gariépy, C., Bienfait, G., and R. Lapointe, 1994. Heat flow, gravity and structure of the Abitibi belt, Superior Province, Canada: Implications for mantle heat flow, Earth. Planet. Sci. Letters, 122, 103-123.

  • Guillou-Frottier, L., Mareschal, J.-C., Jaupart, C., Gariépy, C., Lapointe, R. and G. Bienfait, 1995. Heat flow variations in the Grenville Province, Canada. Earth. Planet. Sci. Letters, 136, 447-460.

  • Hargraves, R.B; Roy D.W, 1974. Paleomagnetism of Anorthosite in and around the Charlevoix Cryptoexplosion Structure, Quebec. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 11; 6, Pages 854-859.

  • Hasegawa, H.S., 1986. Seismotectonics in eastern Canada: an overview with emphasis on the Charlevoix and Miramichi region, Earthquake Notes, 57, 83-94.

  • Hasegawa, H.S., 1991. Four seismogenic environments in Eastern Canada. In: Intraplate deformation, neotectonics, seismicity, and the state of stress in eastern North America. Tectonophysics. 186; 1-2, Pages 3-17.

  • Hasegawa, H.S., and R.J. Wetmiller, 1980. The Charlevoix earthquake of 19 August 1979 and its seismo-tectonic environment, Earthquake Notes, 51, no.4, 23-37.

  • Hasegawa, H.S., Adams, J., and K. Yamazaki, 1985. Upper crustal stresses and vertical stress migration in eastern Canada, J. Geophys. Res., 90, 3637-3648.

  • Hearty, D.J., Mereu, R.F. and C. Wright, 1977. Lateral variations in upper crustal structure below La Malbaie area from slowness, azimuth, and travel time measurements of teleseisms, Can. J. Earth Sci, 14, 2284-2293.

  • Hodgson, E.A. 1925. The St. Lawrence earthquake, February 28, 1925, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 25, no. 2, 84--105.

  • Hodgson, E.A. 1950. The St. Lawrence earthquake, March 1, 1925. Publications of the Dominion Observatory, Ottawa, 7 (10), 361-436.

  • Irwin, W. P., and I. Barnes, 1980. Tectonic relations of carbon dioxide discharges and earthquakes, J. Geophys. Res., 85, 3115-3121.

  • James, T.S. and A.L. Bent, 1994. A comparison of eastern North American seismic strain-rates to glacial rebound strain-rates, Geophys. Res. Letters, 21, 2127-2130.

  • Jaupart, C., Mareschal, J.C., and L. Guillou-Frottier, 1998. Heat flow and thickness of the lithosphere in the Canadian Shield, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 15,263-15,286.

  • Keating, P., 1998. Weighted Euler deconvolution of gravity data, Geophysics 63; 5, Pages 1595-1603.

  • Kirsch, R., Buchbinder, G.G.R. and Lambert, A. Seismic travel-time change and vertical movement inthe Charlevoix region: Constraints on crack deformation. Earth Physics Branch Open File Report No. 85 - 36, 1985.

  • Kirsch, R., Lambert, A., and G.G.R. Buchbinder 1987. The seismic travel-time drop in the Charlevoix region from 1979 to 1980: evidence for aligned saturated cracks in the crust, Tectonophysics, 140, 145-154.

  • Kumarapeli, P.S. 1978. The St. Lawrence paleo-rift system: a comparative study. I.B. Remberg and E.-R. Neumann (eds.), Tectonics and geophysics of continental rifts, 367-384.

  • Kumarapeli, P.S., 1987. Seismic zones, ancient fault systems and post-glacial faulting in Eastern Canada: Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1617, 51 p.

  • LaBrecque, J-J., 1977. En sondant le sol de Charlevoix (Translated Title: Drilling the soils of Charlevoix). Geos (Ottawa). Spring, Pages 5-7.

  • Lachapelle, R., 1993. La limite sud du bouclier canadien dans la région de Québec: un phénomène de fragmentation continentale reliée à l'ouverture de l'océan Iapetus, M.Sc. Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 100 p.

  • Lambert, A. and Vanicek, P. Contemporary crustal movements in Canada. Can. J. Earth Sci., 16, 647-668, 1979

  • Lambert, A. and Labrecque, J.J. Meteorological and hydrological effects on near-surface, bedrock tiltmeasurements. *Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 61 *, p. 367 (abstract), l980

  • Lambert, A. and Liard, J.O. A search for long-term earthquake precursors in gravity data in the Charlevoix region, Quebec. * in Earthquake Prediction, Maurice Ewing Ser., 4, AGU*, edited byRichards and Simpson, 473-483, 1981.

  • Lambert, A., Peters, J.A., Bower, D.R. and Labrecque, J.J. Identification of earthquake-relatedtilt-strain events at Charlevoix, Quebec. Internal report of the Gravity & Geodynamics Division, 79-4, 1979

  • Lambert, A., James, T.S., Liu, J., Stephenson, D.G., Mainville, and M.K. Paul, 1998. Vertical crustal movements in the vicinity of the Charlevoix earthquake Zone revisited. (In prep.)

  • Lamontagne, M. 1985. Composite P-nodal solution analysis of earthquakes from the Charlevoix Seismic Zone. M. Sc. Thesis, University of Western Ontario, London, Ont., 135p.

  • Lamontagne, M., 1987. Seismic activity and structural features in the Charlevoix region, Quebec, Can. J. Earth Sci., 24, 2118-2129.

  • Lamontagne, M., 1987. Charlevoix, terre de de seismes (Translated Title: Charlevoix; land of vacations ... and earthquakes). Geos (Ottawa). 16; 4, Pages 14-17.

  • Lamontagne, M. 1998. New and Revised Earthquake Focal Mechanisms of the Charlevoix Seismic Zone, Canada, GSC Open File Report 3556, 302 p.

  • Lamontagne, M. 1999. Rheological and Geological Constraints on the Earthquake Distribution in the Charlevoix Seismic Zone, Québec, Canada

  • Contraintes rhéologiques et géologiques sur la distribution des tremblements de terre de la Zone sismique de Charlevoix, Québec, Canada Ph.D. Thesis,, Carleton University, 353 p.

  • Lamontagne, M. and G. Ranalli, 1996. Thermal and rheological constraints on the earthquake depth distribution in the Charlevoix, Canada, intraplate seismic zone. Tectonophysics, 257, 55-69.

  • Lamontagne, M. and G. Ranalli, 1997. Faults and spatial clustering of earthquakes near La Malbaie, Charlevoix Seismic Zone, Canada. Seismological Research Letters, 68, 337-352.

  • Lamontagne, M., Wetmiller, R.J., I. Asudeh, 1997. The 1996 summer field experiment: Data Acquisition and Processing. Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report no. 3453, 104p.

  • Lamontagne, M. Keating, P., Toutin, T. 2000. Complex faulting confounds earthquake research in the Charlevoix Seismic Zone, Québec Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 81, no. 26, 289,292,293.

  • Lamontagne, M., Cooper, R.V., Halpenny, J. and G. Ranalli, 1995. Understanding the Charlevoix Seismic Zone: help given by new gravity data, Canadian Geophysical Union, Program and Abstracts, p. 78.

  • LaRouche, Martin, 1991. Liquefaction profonde induite par sismicite dans Charlevoix (Translated Title: Deep liquefaction induced by seismicity in Charlevoix). Master's, Université Laval. Ste.-Foy, PQ, Canada.

  • Lasalle, P., Martineau, G., Chauvin, L. 1976. Géologie des sédiments meubles d'une partie de la Beauce et du Bas Saint-Laurent. Min. Richesses Naturelles du Québec, DPV-438.

  • Leblanc, G. and G.G.R. Buchbinder. 1977. Second micro-earthquake survey of the St. Lawrence Valley near La Malbaie, Quebec, Can. J. Earth Sci.,14, 2778-2789.

  • Leblanc, G., Stevens, A.E., Wetmiller, R.J. and R. Du Berger. 1973. A micro-earthquake survey of the St. Lawrence Valley near La Malbaie, Quebec, Can. J. Earth Sci., 10, 42- 53.

  • Li, Y., Doll, C. and M.N. Toksoz 1995. Source characterization and fault plane determinations for MbLg = 1.2 to 4.4 earthquakes in the Charlevoix seismic zone, Quebec, Canada, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 85, pp 1604-1621.

  • Liard, J.O. and Lambert, A. Analysis of Charlevoix precise gravity data from June, 1976 to November, 1984: Details of a precise gravity network adjustment procedure. Internal Report of the Geophysics Division No. 90-5.

  • Locat, Jacques; Leroueil, Serge, 1988. Physicochemical and geotechnical characteristics of Recent Saguenay Fjord sediments. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 25; 2, 382-388.

  • Lyons, J.A., Forsyth, D.A., and J.A. Mair, 1980. Crustal studies in the La Malbaie Region, Quebec, Can. J. of Earth Sci., 17, 478-490.

  • Mareschal, J.-C., 1991. Downward continuation of heat flow density data and thermal regime in eastern Canada, Tectonophysics, 194, 356-364.

  • Martineau, G. 1977. Géologie des dépôts meubles de la région Kamouraska-Rivière-du-Loup. Min. Richesses Naturelles du Québec, DPV-545.

  • Mereu, R.F., and G. Jobidon, 1971. A seismic investigation of the crust and Moho on a line perpendicular to the Grenville Front, Can. J. Earth. Sci., 8, 1553-1583.

  • Nadeau, L., Lamontagne, M., Wetmiller, R.J., Brouillette, P., Bent, A.B., and P. Keating, 1998. The November 5, 1998 Cap-Rouge, Quebec earthquake, GSC Current Research, (in press).

  • North, R.G., Wetmiller, R.J., Adams, J., Anglin, F.M., Hasegawa, H.S., Lamontagne, M., Du Berger, R., Seeber, L. andJ. Armbruster., 1989. Preliminary results from the November 1988, Saguenay, (Quebec) earthquake, Seism. Res. Lett., 60, 89-93.

  • Occhietti, S., Clet, M., Ghaleb, B., Karrow, P., Lamothe, M, Long, B., andP.J.H. Richard, 1997. Dépôts pre-Illinoiens dans l'estuaire moyen du St-Laurent, sous les systèmes glaciaires de l'Illinoien et de la première phase glaciaire généralisée du Pléistocène supérieur. Communication CANQUA, Rimouski, Quebec.

  • Ouellet, Marcel, 1997. Lake sediments and Holocene seismic hazard assessment within the St. Lawrence Valley, Quebec. Geological Society of America Bulletin 109; 6, Pages 631-642.

  • Pagel-M; Poty-B, 1975. Fluid inclusion studies in rocks of the Charlevoix Structure (Quebec, Canada). Fortschritte der Mineralogie. 52, Special Issue; I. M. A. Ninth general meeting, Pages 479-489. 1975.

  • Payette, Serge, 1984. Un ilot de pergelisol sur les hauts sommets de Charlevoix, Quebec (Translated Title: Permafrost outlier in the Charlevoix highlands, Quebec). Géographie Physique et Quaternaire. 38; 3, Pages 305-307.

  • Peters, John; 1985. Time variations in tidal admittance-investigations at the Charlevoix Observatory, Quebec. Marees Terrestres. Bulletin d'Informations. 94; Pages 6321-6327.

  • Peters, John; Beaumont-Christopher, 1985. Borehole tilt measurements from Charlevoix, Quebec. JGR. Journal of Geophysical Research. B. 90; 14, Pages 12,791-12,806.

  • Peters, J.A., Kuempel-H-J, 1988. Investigation of non-linear tilt tides from the Charlevoix seismic zone in Quebec. Journal of Geophysics = Zeitschrift fuer Geophysik. 62; 2, 128-135.

  • Peters, J.A., Bower, D.R. and Lambert, A. Tidal tilt response at Charlevoix, Quebec. Proceedings ofthe 9th International Symposium on Earth Tides, New York, edited by J.T. Kuo, 59-67, 1981.

  • Pinet, C., Jaupart, P., Mareschal, J.-C., Gariepy, C., Bienfait, C. and R. Lapointe, 1991. Heat flow and structure of the lithosphere in the eastern Canadian Shield. J. Geophys. Res., 96, 19,941-19,963.

  • Quilliam, Louise; Allard-Michel, 1989 Evolution gemorphologique du glissement de terrain et du marais littoral de Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rive, Charlevoix, Quebec (Translated Title: Geomorphological history of the landslide and the tidal marsh in Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rive, Charlevoix, Quebec). Géographie Physique et Quaternaire. 43; 3, Pages 367-376.

  • Raveneau, J, 1977. Analyse morphologique, classification et protection des paysages; le cas de Charlevoix (Translated Title: Morphologic analysis, classification and protection of landscapes; the example of Charlevoix. Cahiers de Geographie du Quebec. 21; 53-54, Pages 135-186.

  • Robertson, P.B., 1975. Zones of shock metamorphism at the Charlevoix impact structure, Quebec, Geol. Soc. of America Bull., 86, 1630-1638.

  • Robertson-P-B; Grieve, R-A-F, 1977. Shock attenuation at terrestrial impact structures. In: Impact and explosion cratering; planetary and terrestrial implications; Proceedings of the Symposium on planetary cratering mechanics. Roddy-D-J (editor); Pepin-R-O (editor); Merrill-R-B (editor), Pages 687-702.

  • Robertson, P.B., Roy-J-L, 1979. Shock-diminished paleomagnetic remanence at the Charlevoix impact structure, Quebec. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 16; 9, Pages 1842-1856.

  • Rondot, J. 1968. Nouvel impact météoritique fossile? La structure semi-circulaire de Charlevoix, Can J. Earth Sci., 5, 1305-1317.

  • Rondot, J. 1969. Significance of the breccia dikes of the Charlevoix structure. Meteoritics. 4; 4, Pages 291-292.

  • Rondot, J. 1970. La structure de Charlevoix comparée à d'autres impacts météoritiques. Can. J. Earth Sci., 7, 291-292.

  • Rondot, J. 1975. L'Astrobleme de Charlevoix (Translated Title: The Charlevoix Astrobleme. Geos (Ottawa). 1975, Spring; Pages 18-20.

  • Rondot, J. 1976. Comparaison entre les astroblemes de Siljan, Suede, et de Charlevoix, Quebec (Translated Title: The Siljan Astrobleme, Sweden, compared with the Charlevoix Astrobleme, Quebec. Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala, New Series. 6; Pages 85-92.

  • Rondot, J. 1979. Reconnaissances géologiques dans Charlevoix-Saguenay.* Rapport DPV-682, Ministère des richesses naturelles du Québec*, 46 pp.

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