CNSN Waveform Data Distribution Policy

  1. Waveform data from the National Network will continue to be distributed freely as part of Canada's long-term commitment to global seismology. Current limits will be maintained on the maximum data volume allowed per access to prevent one user from monopolizing the FDSN web service.
  2. Selected sets of event-related data (time segments) are also available for inspection and download from our FDSN web service.
  3. Selected sets of strong motion data will also be available from our FDSN web service.
  4. Certain special data sets will be subject to an embargo period before they can be released for general use. Embargo periods may differ by station for different classes of data, but will generally be 180 days after the end of the deployment.
  5. All users of CNSN data are asked to include the recommended citation in their publications.
  6. Users understand that NRCan is the definitive source of CNSN data, and agree not to redistribute it further.
  7. This policy will be reviewed and updated from time to time. The current version will always be available on our web site.

Note, the FDSN web service can be used under Earthquakes Canada Usage Guidelines. Usage of the service and data in publications should cite the service according to our citation instructions.

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