Did you feel it?

Help us to determine the approximate coordinates where you were at the time of the event, using one of the following methods.

Please click on the map, to indicate where you felt the earthquake. Then click Set my coordinates.

30 km
10 mi
Tip: Use The Atlas of Canada - Toporama to determine the coordinates of your location when the event occurred
We need your coordinates. The latitude must be in or near Canada.

0/500 characters
Personal Information Collection Statement

The personal information you provide using the Felt report form for Community Internet Intensity Maps is collected under the authority of the Resources and Technical Surveys Act and will be used by Natural Resources Canada to conduct research into earthquakes in Canada.

Please note that the information you provide using the Felt report form for Community Internet Intensity Maps may be routed through an American or other internationally-based server. However, in the event that this occurs, the information will be deleted from the American or internationally-based server after one week.

There are no legal or administrative consequences for refusing to provide the personal information requested. Under the Privacy Act, you have rights of access to, correction of, and protection of personal information.

The information you provide using this form is described in the following standard Personal Information Bank (PIB): Public Communications - PSU 914. For more information about this PIB and your privacy rights, please consult Info Source: Sources of Federal Government and Employee Information, which is published on the Internet by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat at: http://infosource.gc.ca/index-eng.asp.

"Page details"

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