Earthquake Details (2011-08-23)

Tuesday August 23, 2011

Local Time: 13:51:04 EDT
Magnitude: 5.8 Mw
Latitude: 37.93 North
Longitude: 77.933 West
Depth: 6 km
UT Date
and Time:
17:51:04 UT

Locator map

Did you feel it?

Approximate Location of Earthquake: USGS report a magnitude 5.8 earthquake occurred in Virginia, USA at 13:51 EDT August 23rd. It was felt across south-eastern Canada including Waterloo, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Fredericton. No damage has been reported from Canada, and none would be expected for earthquakes of this size and location. More information on the event on the USGS website.

Map of Earthquake Area

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