Citation Request
For waveform data, station metadata and event metadata (bulletins) retrieved from the Earthquakes Canada website, please cite Natural Resources Canada as the institutional author and include the appropriate digital object identifiers (DOIs). Recommended citations are given below.
Waveform and Station Metadata
For waveform data and/or station metadata from the CNSN, retrieved via FDSN dataselect web service, FDSN station web service, or Station Book:
Natural Resources Canada (1975). Canadian National Seismograph Network [Dataset]. International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks.
Event Metadata (Bulletin)
For event metadata retrieved via Earthquake Search or
Natural Resources Canada (1985). Canadian National Earthquake Database [Dataset]. Canadian Hazards Information Service.
Note, the FDSN web service can be used under Earthquakes Canada Usage Guidelines. Usage of the service and data in publications should cite the service according to our citation instructions.
"Page details"
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